$instance :
This class will read a database structure into the SmartDatabase. This structure can then be written to XML using the SmartDatabase::WriteXmlSchema() function
-- db structure layout guide --
"<table name>"=>array(
"<column name>"=>array(
"Field"=>"<column name>",
"Type"=>"<column type>",
"Key"=>"<PRI|UNI|MUL|empty>", //note: PRI=Primary Key, UNI=Unique index, MUL=multiple... seems to mean the same as UNI though
"Default"=>"<default value|empty>",
"Collation"=>"<utf8_general_ci|utf8mb4_unicode_ci|latin1_swedish_ci|empty>", //other collations can easily be added if needed
"IndexType"=>"<UNIQUE|NONUNIQUE|FULLTEXT|empty>", //UNIQUE when Key=PRI,UNI, or MUL. FULLTEXT for fulltext index
...(more columns)...
...(more tables)...
--- EXAMPLE ---
function getDbStructure(){
return array(
"Type"=>"int(1) unsigned",
"IndexType"=>"FULLTEXT", //i.e. fulltext index on this column
Reads a database structure properties that the SmartDatabase can use to load/write XML schemas
GetArray(\DbManager $dbManager, string $database = null, string $table = null, string $column = null)
Returns detailed array with all columns for given table in database, or all tables/databases Only works with PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50002! ORIGINAL SOURCE - phpMyAdmin- - function PMA_DBI_get_columns_full()
$return = ReadDb_MySQL::Instance()->GetArray($dbManager, "DATABASE_NAME"); //call function from the singleton
//the returned array will contain at least this information
$return = array(
"TABLE NAME" => array(
"COLUMN NAME 1" => array(
"Field"=>"<column name>",
"Type"=>"<column type>",
"Key"=>"<PRI|UNI|MUL|empty>", //note: PRI=Primary Key, UNI=Unique index, MUL=multiple... seems to mean the same as UNI though
"Default"=>"<default value|empty>",
"Collation"=>"<utf8_general_ci|utf8mb4_unicode_ci|latin1_swedish_ci|empty>", //other collations can easily be added if needed
"COLUMN NAME 2" => array(
\DbManager | $dbManager | the DbManager to use for database communication |
string | $database | name of database |
string | $table | name of table to retrieve columns from |
string | $column | name of specific column |